4 Reasons Why You Should Look For Gold This Weekend
With Father's Day coming up, it can be difficult planning for fun the weekend before, especially when on a tighter budget. However, there are plenty of fun things you can do when you have the time off to do so, including gold panning. If you're looking to have some fun this weekend, here are 4 reasons why you should go gold panning!
1. Finding Gold!
Easily the most legitimate reason you should get out there this weekend is the chance of striking it rich! Make sure you have all the equipment you need to enjoy a day of prospecting with your friends and family. It's important to know where to find gold and what to look for prior to taking a gold pan to a local river.
2. Exercise
Gold panning is meant to be a lucrative activity for some and it can also serve as a beneficial activity for your body! It requires you to walk, likely hike, and get your hands a little dirty, something every outdoor enthusiast absolutely loves to do!
3. Explore
The love that many people have for prospecting isn't just in finding gold, it's also the journey towards trying to find some. One may have to walk through terrain that isn't meant for city folk. And while you're out there trying to find the perfect spot to start panning, you'll likely see and experience things you hadn't anticipated. Get out there and explore the great outdoors!

Exploration is one of the best reasons to get outside this weekend!
4. Community
Don't go panning alone is what we always say! Beyond just the risk of any outdoor activity on your own, gold prospecting is meant to be an activity to be shared and treasured by all. Ask a friend, ask your parent, or ask your child if they want to join you. Sharing an experience outdoors is a wonderful way to connect with the people you care about.