Panning For Gold | The Reason Why It's Special
As a millennial, I have been asked multiple times why I work for a company that sells gold panning kits. The answer doesn't just lie in the quality of the product or my belief in the owner and inventor, Mark Peterson, but in much more than that.
I've come to find that a significant part of human nature lies in wanting to work hard, while also wanting to take a break from working TOO hard. For some people, that temporary escape from "busy" is a vacation somewhere, and to others, it may be watching a favorite football team on Sundays. For the majority of people who love the Gold Rush Nugget Bucket, however, the happy brought on by prospecting for gold is a means to enjoy a healthy break and enjoy a hobby that gets your hands a little dirty at the expense of possibly finding some gold!
The great thing about gold panning is that it's easily made into a shared experience. Many people prospect by themselves in the hunt of that elusive shiny stuff, but many more people buy a Gold Rush Nugget Bucket as a gift for a relative, significant other or friend that may have a keen interest in a new hobby. It's easy to do and requires a little bit of effort, but if you're already out there enjoying the outdoors, why wouldn't you want to try a shot at gold panning as well?
Get out there, enjoy the sun before the summer's over, and explore around. You never know what you may find waiting for you apart from gold.